More about Weddings in Pakistan
Weddings ceremonies are very colorful in Pakistan. It usually consists of Mehndi, Baraat and Valima. Some people celebrate more if they can afford it. All of these are done usually during night timings, however in some rural areas; it is done during the day.
Mehndi is celebrated a couple of days before the actual wedding. On Mehndi, the people from Groom�s side visit the Bride�s place and each person present gift, money, sweets and put some Mehndi on Bride�s hand (Mehndi is actually a powder gotten from leaves of Henna tree and its paste leaves brown color on skin). After this ceremony, the girls and boys from both sides take part in a singing and dancing competition which is mostly for fun and entertainment. It continues till 2 � 3 AM. The very next day, the people from Bride�s side visit the Groom�s place and repeat the whole procedure.
Baraat day is the actual wedding day; on this day all the people from Groom�s side including Groom go to Bride�s place. The Bride wears a red dress and the Groom is usually in a Kurta Sherwani with a special turban. A religious person (usually leader of mosque) ties both in a lifetime relationship after making his speech. After that, bride�s relatives distribute sweets among all people. Now the time for movie making starts, everyone congratulate the new Bride and Groom, present their gifts and make pictures & movies with the couple. When this part is finished, the dinner is served to all people.
The very next day is Valima reception by Groom�s side. It is almost same as Baraat day but it finishes early because there is no religious speech that day.